Income required for Mortgage as Set 25, 2017
번호 : 12-6498 / 등록일 : 2017-09-29 17:18 / 수정일 : 2017-09-29 17:23/ 조회수 : 841  

Below is a breakdown of approx. income required for the purchases below:


$500,000 purchase 

$100,000 down payment

Required income $75,000 


$1,000,000 purchase

$200,000 down payment

Required income $140,000 


~ All the calculations above depend on credit scores, type of income, type of property, any other debt obligations, property taxes, strata fees etc, etc, etc.


Below are approx. before and after values with the proposed changes to the mortgage regulations coming in October for clients with at least 20% down:


Before proposed changes:

$500,000 purchase 

$100,000 down payment 

At 3.24% and a 30 year am


After proposed changes:

$400,000 purchase

$100,000 down payment 

Qualifying at 4.84 % (posted rate) and 25 year am




$200,000 down payment 

At 3.24% and 30 year am



$800,000 purchase

$200,000 down

At 4.84% and 25 year am


Please note that these are very rough numbers and are based on “proposed changes”. 




벤쿠버 캐나다
정성채 부동산
condo, house, town home,
Residential and Commercial
Keyword :
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